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Pippa Brooks

I saw this interview in the Guardian (dated back a few years ago) and I just loved it. Pippa has been a favorite of mine for years now. Hopefully I'll look that good in my forties! Has anyone had the opportunity to get to her and her husband's shop, M. Goldstein? I'm dying to go.

Describe your style.
I do like that very British, dusty old tweedy thing, but I really love quite trashy things at the same time. Kind of Miss-Marple-meets-trash.

Do you always roll your hair?
I roll it quite often - I grow my hair so I can put it up in different ways. I have to wear lipstick every day, even on the school run - I feel really naked without it. I love the perfect pink or the perfect red. This is YSL and has just been discontinued. I'm bereft. I keep looking for it in House of Fraser stores.

Has your style changed since becoming a mother?
I've always gone to car-boot sales or second- hand shops. I've always loved old knitwear, and I still do. I'm 41 now and I don't think I'm particularly appropriate for my age, but I think that's a good thing. I don't wear really short skirts with bare legs any more because I think knees can look old. It's just obvious stuff. But I think you should grow old as disgracefully as you like - if you want to wear something, then you should, and I certainly do.

Tell me about your tattoos.
There is my pin-up girl on my arm, I had it done in Los Angeles 11 years ago. I had wanted one for such a long time but it was a combination of circumstances that I had it done on that day. I have a pair of cherries on my neck - I think they are a sexy fruit. I love strawberries as well. They are perfect - naughty.

Are you happy with the way you look?
Yes, I enjoy getting older. You know what to play down and what to play up. You get good at yourself.

Who influences the way you dress?
Faye Dunaway in Bonnie and Clyde. I like her hair colour, and the satin shirts worn with tailored tweed skirts. I love that look. I love Angie Bowie too, not now, but in the 1970s - oh, my God - really fantastic!

Have you been misjudged because of your appearance?
I don't think I dress outrageously at all, but I do get people who react to the way I dress. In Paris, where people are supposed to be really chic, I have been laughed at in the street. They don't like it if you are a bit off, or garish. People often think if you wear a roll in your hair that you are into rockabilly, but I wouldn't like to think that I was looking really 1950s. I like mixing it up more than that. I like things that jar.

What's the first thing you notice about other people's appearance?
I don't think you should judge people on their clothing because you just never know. I love to see people who make an effort and have a real look. But I think it's rarer and rarer to see people like that.

Final thoughts.
I love a tank top, a cardigan or a wrinkled stocking, but I think you have to balance that with a high heel or something a little bit slutty, otherwise you look as if you are about to get on your bike and solve a mystery or something.

So true.


Lightning Heart said...

she's in her 40's?? gosh, she looks amazing!

Kirsten James Ferguson said...

i can't believe she is forty! after reading this article i need to go to her little shop. gotta hop over the pond first!


original seed said...

thanks for your comment on my tie dye cape,really glad you liked it!